Beginner Dive Courses
Snorkeling Classes Interested in Scuba but not sure of where to begin? Snorkel or skin diving is an excellent introduction to underwater exploration! Here you'll learn how to dive with fins, safely dive with one breath, as well as learn some of the foundational science behind scuba diving. Find Out More
Try Scuba Have you always wondered what it’s like to breathe underwater? If you want to try scuba diving, but aren’t quite ready to take the plunge into a certification course, Try Scuba is for you. Try Scuba is a quick and easy introduction to what it takes to explore the underwater world. Don't se... Find Out More
Open Water Diver Get your scuba diving certification with the Open Water Diver course – the world’s most popular and widely recognized scuba course. Millions of people have learned to scuba dive and gone on to discover the wonders of the aquatic world through this course. To enroll in a Open Water Diver course you must be 1... Find Out More